DiamondBridge Economics & Business Journal – Research Support Services

In line with its mandate of publishing high quality findings on economics and business management-related issues, the DiamondBridge Economics and Business Journal now offers research support services aimed at enabling Postgraduate students and Early Career Researchers make significant progress in their Dissertation writing or paper publishing goals.
The journal has put together a team of knowledgeable Research Assistants to offer advisory services to postgraduate students who are currently writing their dissertation/thesis. In addition, newly employed academics could benefit from this services to help in strengthening in their publishing career.
Please feel free to contact the publisher of the journal for further enquiries diamondbridgejournal@gacpbs.com, Phone: +2349060002753, +2348106658442..
Call for Papers
March 2021
The Diamondbridge Economics & Business Journal is an institutional-based, peer-reviewed, open access journal; published quarterly by Garden City Premier Business School, Port Harcourt. You are invited to submit scientifically-researched articles for publication in the January-March 2021 edition of the journal. Submitted papers on contemporary topical issues, should demonstrate the capability to significantly advance the practice of economics and business management, improve the socio-economic performance of public institutions and the competitiveness of private enterprises in both developed and developing nations.
The Journal welcomes articles across multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary subject areas including but not limited to: Social Sciences, Business Management and Strategy; Economic Development, Environmental Studies, Accounting, Banking & Finance, Risk Management and Insurance, Healthcare Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Public Administration, Operations Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Marketing Management; Sociology, Organizational Psychology, and Human Resource Management.
Article Review Fee = N10, 000.00; Publication Fee: N25,000
Should be paid using the following details:
Bank: First Bank of Nigeria Plc
Account No: 2033552330
Account Name: Garden City Premier Business School
Important Information
- Manuscript is accepted for peer review only on payment of the peer review fees of (N10, 000)
- Articles should be sent as Microsoft word attachment to diamondbridgejournal@gacpbs.com and copy nsikan.john@gacpbs.com.
- For further enquiries, please contact the editorial office at Garden City Premier Business School, 13 Herbert Macaulay Street, Old G.R.A, Port Harcourt- Nigeria. E-mail: diamondbridgejournal@gacpbs.com, Phone: +2349060002753, +2348106658442.
- Manuscript of not more than 30 pages should be prepared using Times New Romans, Size 12, and spaced double line. Abstract should be between 150-180 words with 3-5 keywords.
- Figures and Tables (Not exceeding 5) should form part of the body of the text. The appendix section shall be dedicated only to study constructs or/and scheduled questions interview.
The journal accepts in-text and listed references that are formatted in APA 7th edition style only