Whether you are just starting to consider your future career in business management or have been working for some time, Garden City Premier Business School Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management is a comprehensive programme which covers the business knowledge required to enhance your career in an ever changing business world and professional practices.

Your career or future career may be in consulting, finance, and marketing or with a government, profit or non-profit organisations; or you may be more interested in actually managing the work force. If you want to learn how business works, to think, strategize and manage. 

The Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation will afford opportunities in the following careers;

  1. Start-up founder
  2. High aspiration entrepreneur
  3. Customer experience manager
  4. Innovation consultant
  5. Business Development Manager
  6. Manager of Innovation Hub

Other programme-specific information Prescribed courses, assignments and classwork form part of the programme. Examinations and pass requirements

  1. The minimum pass mark for each prescribed course is 50%, provided that a subminimum of 45% has been obtained in the examination.
  2. A candidate who has failed more than two core courses may not continue with his studies for the diploma, except with the approval of the Faculty.


  • The minimum pass mark for each prescribed course is 50%, provided that a subminimum of 45% has been obtained in the examination.
  • A candidate who has failed more than two core courses may not continue with his studies for the diploma, except with the approval of the Faculty Board.


MODULE ONE – Business and Management Practice

  1. Strategic Management


  2. Research

  3. Entrepreneurship
    and Innovation

  4. Human
    Resource Management

  5. Marketing

MODULE TWO –Management Competency

  1. Quantitative Methods
  2. Managerial Economics
  3. Management Process
  4. Capstone Project
  5. Thesis